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Ethiopia Halo Beriti Natural

Regular price $22.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $22.00 USD
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It’s hard not to get excited about bringing a new natural Ethiopian coffee to our menu because we love to create the "wow" moment when people realize how delicious specialty coffee can be. This delicious coffee hails from the Halo Beriti & Chelbessa sub-districts of Yirgacheffe and shares many qualities with Ethiopian coffees we have offered in the past, like our long-time offering from Abiyot Ageze. We try to keep a stellar and accessible natural processed Ethiopia as a mainstay of our single origin offerings, and this coffee is no exception to the rule.

The defining factor for Natural Processed coffee occurs during its drying process. While washed coffees have their mucilage of the coffee completely removed before the beans are placed on raised beds to dry, natural processed coffees have their cherry left on while drying. Natural processed coffee typically yields fruitier, sometimes funkier tasting notes; we find the Halo Beriti feels very balanced in its fruit and chocolatey flavors.  

The Halo Beriti is everything we love in a fun, complex coffee while still being very approachable to those just getting into natural processed coffee. However, it still offers an exciting, complex profile for the coffee fanatics. With a flavor that punches your palate with an expressive blend of tropical fruits ranging from pineapple, banana, lychee, and guava and then resolves into smooth, familiar notes of hot chocolate, peach pie, and strawberry jam, this coffee feels like a sweet little treat to go along with your morning paper or an afternoon chatting with friends at the shop. We recommend brewing this as a pour over in your favorite vessel.