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La Llave

Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 USD
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An excellent multi-purpose offering for expressive espresso or for fantastic drip coffee, La Llave is for those who like their coffee to have flair without being flashy. Our goal is for coffee like this to be a medium for communication between folks or a conversation starter on its own. To that point, La Llave is a nod to everything we can unlock in a day: our minds, our doors, new conversations, and new experiences. Equally important, keys are symbols of security and belonging as much as they are of new passages. We hope La Llave brings you the best of everything we already hold dearly and all that we have yet to discover.

Keys are also a symbol of the Palestinian right of return, to which we also speak to with this coffee. As one little part of our dedication to justice and equality worldwide, we donate $1 of our proceeds from each retail bag of this coffee to organizations supporting humanitarian aid in the Middle East. Our donation partners thus far have included: Middle East Children's Alliance, UNRWRA, and the Arab Resource and Organizing Center.

As far as flavors go, where Las Pilas is strong and loud, La Llave is more finesse and intrigue. Burundi coffee lends it a limey, raspberry caramel quality, while the Guatemalan component cements the body and lends richness. This coffee merges the nuances of lighter roasts with the body and comfort of medium roasts. La Llave is perfect for home dripper machines or for café quality espresso.